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ACO Strategic Management Sys - RM Tool Functional Manager

Management and Operations Support
241325 Requisition #

Post Context/Post Summary

SHAPE is the Strategic Headquarters for Allied Command Operations (ACO).

The Resource Management Division (REM) is responsible to SACEUR through COS SHAPE for the development and support required for the employment and monitoring of the ACO Strategic Management (ASM) System, including the ACO Strategic Management Plan (ASMP).  REM Division is responsible for Resource Planning and represents ACO on the associated NATO resources boards, committees and working groups.  REM Division supports the utilisation of Integrate Resource Management (IRM) across ACO to maximise the allocation of resources in accordance with ACO's strategic priorities and operational needs. 

The Strategic Management and Resource Planning Branch (SRP) is responsible for the development, support required for the employment and monitoring of the ASM System, including the ASMP, and facilitates the prioritisation and synchronisation of operational requirements, resources and capabilities. SRP Branch is ACO’s primary focal point for IRM policy and activities, including the development and coordination of ACO inputs for the Military Advice on Annual Contribution Ceilings, Medium-Term Military Plan and Military Committee Annual Report. SRP Branch represents ACO at the relevant NATO resource boards, committees and working groups.

The ASM Planning Section is responsible for the development, support required for the employment and monitoring of the ASM System composed of the ASMP, determining ACO Goals, ACO Objectives and Strategic Initiatives, and the Risk Management and Performance Measurement capabilities. The ASM Section generates a coordinated understanding of the ACO Objectives status, the Command’s risk profile, associated recommended management actions and resource implications and administers the ASM Database including the ACO Risk Register. The ASM Section supports SHAPE entities and subordinated ACO Headquarters in their strategic management activities and facilitates the development and alignment of strategic management policy and doctrine across NATO. As the secretariat for the ACO Management Board (AMB), the ASM Section provides performance, risk and issue analysis and advice to the AMB in order to support the ACO Leadership’s decision-making with robust and relevant strategic management information.

Principal Duties

The incumbent's duties are:

1.    Liaise with ACO Commands and other stakeholders as required to coordinate and facilitate the development and collection of the ASM risk management (RM) tool requirements.

2.    Advise on new technologies in support of the new and legacy ASM RM tools.

3.    Facilitate interoperability between ACO-wide, the new and legacy ASM RM tools.

4.    Design, develop and maintain ASM templates (SHAREPOINT, MS office) from a technical view.

5.    Produce VBA code for maintenance and updates of the existing ASM system tools.

6.    Participate in forums for RM system design and engineering.

7.    Design and implements database management that ensures data consistency and integrity, amongst identified stakeholders.

8.    Prepare, perform and report on tests of completed software modules, and analyse error reports from ASM users.

9.    Provide technical support to user communities as required in implementing, maintaining and updating existing tools and database(s).

10. Support the SHAPE ASM Section’s utilisation on the EDMS and TT suite and administrative matters.

Special Requirements and Additional Duties

1.    The incumbent may be required to undertake deployments in support of military operations and exercises, and/or TDY assignments, both within and without NATO boundaries up to 180 days.

2.    The employee may be required to perform a similar range of duties elsewhere within the organisation at the same grade without there being any change to the contract.

Essential Qualifications

A.        Professional/Experience

1.    Experience in system engineer, system analysis, programming and data processing.

2.    Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office Excel, and VBA programming.

3.    Advanced knowledge of SHAREPOINT technology.

4.    Knowledge and experience with Relational Database Management System.

5.    Designs, codes, tests, corrects and documents complex programs and scripts from agreed specifications and subsequent iterations, using agreed standards and tools, to achieve a well-engineered result.

B.        Education/Training

University Degree in computer technology or similar field and 1 year post related experience, or Higher Secondary education and completed advanced vocational training  in that discipline leading to a professional qualification or professional accreditation with 2 years post related experience.

C.        Language

English - SLP 3333 - (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)

Desirable Qualifications

A.           Professional Experience

1.    Proved specialisations in Database Administration.

2.    Experience in a role relevant for the responsibilities of the post within a Risk Management and IT organisation.

3.    Experience in training activity.

B.           Education/Training

             1.     Management of Risk Certification or equivalent.


1.    Personal Attributes: Personal qualities of tact, judgement, adaptability, coupled with motivational and listening skills.  A sense of diplomacy and propriety in order to work harmoniously with colleagues and other staff, both civilian and military.  Able to work effectively to support the team activities.  Possess the ability to assess the impact of a wide variety of NATO and national capability developments towards meeting NATO’s overall required capability.  Ability to use initiative and good judgment to propose optimum options to SHAPE in materialising effectively the capability delivery.  The post requires the ability to create and review quantitative models.

2.    Professional Contacts: This post requires to establish and maintain professional contacts with relevant stakeholders, across the NATO enterprise, in particular within SHAPE, subordinates ACO Headquarters, ACT and NATO Headquarters.

3.    Contribution to Objectives: Provides coordination and in-depth subject matter expertise, knowledge and analysis in order to support ACO’s RM process.


Duration of contract: (Pending approval) The successful candidate will fill this post as a Project Related NATO International Civilian (PLN) with a three-year definite duration contract within the NATO 2030 Agenda. On expiry of this term the PLN will be deleted or absorbed into the ceiling pending approval or will exceptionally be considered for extension.

The salary will be the basic entry-level monthly salary defined by the NATO Grade of the post, which may be augmented by allowances based on the selected staff member’s eligibility, and which is subject to the withholding of approximately 20% for pension and medical insurance contributions. 

NATO is committed to diversity and inclusion, and strives to provide equal access to employment, advancement, and retention, independent of gender, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, and disability. NATO welcomes applications of nationals from all member Nations. 

Building integrity is a key element of NATO’s core tasks. As an employer, NATO values commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency, and accountability in accordance with international norms and practices established for the defence and related security sector. Selected candidates are expected to be role models of integrity, and to promote good governance through ongoing efforts in their work.

Applicants who prove to be competent for the post but who are not successful in this competition may be offered an appointment in another post of a similar nature, which might become vacant in the near future, albeit at the same or lower grade, provided they meet the necessary requirements. 

We believe that all people are capable of great things.  Because of this, we encourage you to apply even if you do not meet all of the criteria listed within this job description.


Applications are to be submitted using NATO Talent Acquisition Platform (NTAP) (https://nato.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang-en).  Applications submitted by other means (e.g. mail, e-mail, fax, etc) are not accepted.

More information to be found on these links:

6 Tips for Applying to NATO

Application Process 

Shortlisted candidates will be requested to provide original documentary evidence and a set of copies supporting statements in their applications. Appointment is subject to obtaining a NS security clearance and a medical certificate.


A)  Only nationals from the 32 NATO member states can apply for vacancies at SHAPE. 

B)  Applications are automatically acknowledged within one working day after submission. In the absence of an acknowledgement please make sure the submission process is completed, or, re-submit the application.  

C)  Qualified redundant staff of the same grade interested in this post should inform this office, via their HR/Personnel Office by not later than vacancy’s closing date.

D)  NATO will not accept any phase of the recruitment and selection prepared, in whole or in part, by means of generative artificial-intelligence (AI) tools, including and without limitation to Chatbots, such as Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (Chat GPT), or other language generating tools. NATO reserves the right to screen applications to identify the use of such tools. All applications prepared, in whole or in part, by means of such generative or creative AI applications may be rejected without further consideration at NATO’s sole discretion, and NATO reserves the right to take further steps in such cases as appropriate.

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